
  The Godfather Part II《教父2 


The Godfather Part II is a 1974 American gangster film directed by Francis Ford Coppola from a script co-written with Mario Puzo. The film is both a sequel and a prequel to The Godfather, chronicling the story of the Corleone family following the events of the first film while also depicting the rise to power of the young Vito Corleone before the events of the first film. The film stars Al Pacino, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton, Robert De Niro, John Cazale, Talia Shire, 
Michael V. Gazzo and Lee Strasberg.

The Godfather Part II was nominated for 11 Academy Awards and won six, including Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor for Robert De Niro,and has been selected for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry.


《教父2》(The Godfather Part II)是一部1974年的美國幫派電影,法蘭西斯·柯波拉執導,劇本為其與馬里奧·普佐MV5BMjE4MTc3NTEzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzIzMDU4Mg@@__V1__SX400_SY272_.jpgMario Puzo)共同編製,由艾爾·帕西諾(Al Pacino)、勞勃·杜瓦(Robert Duvall)、黛安·基頓(Diane Keaton)、勞勃··尼洛(Robert De Niro)、約翰·卡佐爾(John Cazale)、泰莉亞·雪爾(Talia Shire)Michael V. GazzoLee Strasberg主演。該片是《教父》(The Godfather)的續集,同時也為第一集做出完美的註解。本片記錄著柯里昂家族在 第一集事件之後的故事,並描述第一代黑手黨教父維托·柯里昂(由另一影帝勞勃··尼洛演出)在年輕時如何發跡,並成為教父的過程。

《教父2》(The Godfather Part II)榮獲奧斯卡獎11項提名並獲得6項殊榮,包括最佳影片和最佳男配角的勞勃··尼洛。《教父2》被認為是影史最為成功的續集電影。 





394px-Godfather_part_ii.jpgThis is the publicize poster for The Godfather Part II.


甚至還有廠商推出了《教父2》的video game,其受歡迎的程度可想而知。


MV5BMjEyNzk4NzM4MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDIzMDU4Mg@@__V1__SX400_SY308_.jpg Michael Corleone donates a lot of money with his son,Antony Corleone’s name for local government.They are in the agora.




MV5BMTIxMDg4MTIzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNjUzNTU2__V1__SX334_SY450_.jpg This is Michael Corleone,who plays an importment role in The Godfather Part II.


Godfather 2 focuses on many contradictions and distortions in psychological field. Michael faces many things that are hard to make decisions which include assassinating his brother, divorcing with his wife, and rearrangement after moving from New York. And all of these things make him a real Godfather. It’s not hard to realize that part 2 is the key point for Michael to build his own castle.







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