
AI  Artificial Intelligence: AI ~AI 人工智慧~





Sometimein the distant future, after the polar icecaps have melted, major flooding hasdevastated most major cities. Technology has advanced to the point where peopledepend for many tasks on robots with highly sophisticated artificialintelligence; including companion robots which replace friends, lovers orchildren. David is a companion robot programmed to be the loving son of Henryand Monica Swinton, whose own son, Martin, lies comatose and apparently braindead in a nearby hospital. Just as the Swintons learn to adjust to David andhis capacity to love eternally and unconditionally, Martin makes a miraculousrecovery and returns home. Soon sibling rivalry makes David a hindrance to thefamily's unity and he is cast out of the family. Alone with his robotic teddybear and unable to adjust to a world that has no use for his ability to love,David journeys out into the forests to find a way to become a real boy.


虛擬電子製造公司大膽跨出人工智慧的下一個領域,研發出這個問題的解答。他的名字是─「大衛」。 大衛是一個實驗機器男孩,他也是第一個能夠付出真愛的機器人,由於一名虛擬電子公司員工和他太太的兒子罹患絕症,必須長期冰凍,以等待新的藥物被發明出來,所以他們就志願領養大衛做為實驗。漸漸地大衛被他們視為己出,也獲得這對夫妻的寵愛,但是在發生一連串意外事件之後,他卻無法繼續溫暖的家庭生活。擁有真愛的機器人無法被人類和機器人接受,大衛不得已帶著保護他的超級玩具熊泰迪,踏上尋找自己真正定位的冒險之旅,他終於發現人類和機器之間,存在著一道無法跨越的鴻溝,但是卻也有共通的可能性。


    This film is just as sci-fiversion of Pinnochio. To be a real son of Monica, David thinks he has to be areal boy and then his dream will come true. However, he found that he willnever be real boy at final after he had travel lot of places. I think that thesaying,” If the robot can give love to the man, then what responsibility havethe man who receive love from robot has to take?" is very thoughtful. Andthis point gave stronger feeling after I complete the movie.




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