Recommending movie電影推薦:Million dollar baby登峰造擊




Million Dollar Baby is a 2004 film directed, co-produced and scored by Clint Eastwood and starring Eastwood, Hilary Swank, and Morgan Freeman. It is the story of an under-appreciated boxing trainer, his elusive past, and his quest for atonement by helping an underdog amateur female boxer (the film's title character) achieve her dream of becoming a professional. The film won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture.


 The screenplay was written by Paul Haggis, based on short stories by F.X. Toole, the pen name of fight manager and "cutman Jerry Boyd. Originally published under the title Rope Burns, the stories have since been republished under the film's title.

該劇本是由保羅.海格所撰寫,以短篇小說 「cutman(作者是F.X.圖爾)為基調,。最初,該書是以「rope burns此名發表但後來則是和電影同名。




 Hilary Swank  plays Maggie Fitzgerald.希拉蕊史旺飾演瑪姬

 A 31 year old waitress in a diner pursue her dream of becoming a boxer.31歲餐廳服務生想成為拳擊手


Clint Eastwood Plays Frankie Dunn克林伊斯威特飾演弗蘭

A boxing gym owner who has trained many promising fighters but has never been able to take them all the way to a title/money bout.拳擊道館老闆兼教練,訓練出許多優秀的選手,但卻無法帶領他們挑戰拳擊顛峰


Morgan Freeman plays Scrap 摩根費里曼飾演Scrap

One of Frankie's ex-fighters.弗蘭基過去訓練的拳擊手


Maggie decides to pursue her dream of becoming a boxer once she realizes she's in a real dead end situation. Frankie is skeptical about women fighters, tells Maggie she's too old to start training, and tells her he won't train her.




"Scrap" is one of Frankie's ex-fighters. Frankie feels guilty because he didn't stop "Scrap" from fighting in his 109th fight. Scrap ignored Frankie's pleas to throw in the towel. It was in this fight, 25 years ago, that caused him to lose one eye and end his boxing career. This is how Scrap ended up being the caretaker to Frankie's boxing gym for many years. And this is why Frankie takes a "conservative" approach when training upcoming boxers. Although he's a top notch trainer; he's afraid to take them to the top where he's afraid of what comes with a loss. Thus, you see a boxer leave Frankie for a more aggressive manager.


Maggie is extremely determined to prove Frankie wrong along with the rest of her family. Scrap continues to give Maggie pointers on how to improve and get better. Frankie is still unwilling to commit to become Maggie's trainer. After much persistence, not to mention on her 32nd birthday, Maggie gets Frankie to train her.



A year and a half of training and many knock-outs later, undefeated Maggie wants to go for a world title championship in Las Vegas. Frankie is hesitant, not wanting her to get hurt.



Frankie finally decides that Maggie is ready for the next level. He sets up a fight against the British champion. Before entering the ring, he gives her a new fight robe with a Gaelic phrase on it. He won't tell her what it means. The crowd loves it and chants it as she enters the ring. Maggie wins the fight which sets up a championship bout.



In the championship fight, Maggie boxes against the current middle weight championship title holder. She is not only aggressive and tough but also fights dirty. During the first two rounds she pounds on Maggie while taking a couple of penalty points for two foul punches. The referee warns her that next time she will be disqualified. The next couple of rounds Maggie takes a different approach, advised by Frankie, and starts to break ground. She clearly is winning the fight and the crowd goes crazy. She goes back in and after a few punches and almost-a-knock-out later, her opponent struggles to her feet after 9 counts. The referee sends them back to their corner. Maggie turns her back and before she can reach her corner her opponent moves toward her while the referee isn't looking. She takes a deadly shot at the side of Maggie and sends her landing on her head on the corner stool, breaking her neck. Maggie suffers spinal neck injury that leaves her paralyzed for life.


The last 1/4 of the movie is about euthanasia and human morals. Maggie is bed ridden for a long time and eventually has to have her leg amputated due to muscle atrophy and bed sores

最後 1 / 4的電影是關於安樂死和人類道德。瑪姬臥床已久,最終,她的腿,由於肌肉萎縮和褥瘡而截肢。

She no longer wants to live. She had her shot and wants to die remembering the crowd cheering her name. Frankie refuses.


Later Frankie is awoken in the middle of the night. Maggie has bitten her tongue, hoping to bleed to death. The doctors save her and stitch her tongue back up. She rips the stitches out and tries it again. This time they cover her tongue so she can't get to it.


Frankie now realizes how badly she wants to die and contemplates "slowly killing" her by letting her live or end her life while she is "living." Scrap tells him that most people die wondering "what if" and never having a chance at anything. He tells him that at least Maggie had her shot of a lifetime and is thinking "maybe I did alright."


Frankie decides to fulfill her wishes and end her life. He walks into her room, unnoticed. He tells her what he's going to do and she can only smile. He tells her that the Gaelic phrase the crowds were chanting and on her robe meant "My Darling". He removes her breathing tube and injects her with adrenaline. She dies instantly.


In the end of the movie we see Scrap writing a letter (to Frankies daughter) and we realize that the narration all along is this letter. He ends it along the lines of "...He never returned to the gym and I never saw him again. I'm sure he's somewhere between here and there but where ever he is, I'm sure he's doing just fine. I just wanted to let you know what kind of man Frankie was. I wanted to let you know what your father was like."



Clint Eastwood is a man of faith. He is an artist who is confident and experienced enough to have a deep faith in the audience that he is trying to reach. He is also a master of omission, of the left-out detail/line, trusting in his gut that his audience is willing to participate in his films by exercising their imaginations; that they never want any aspect of the story to be 'dumbed-down' for ready consumption. In fact, his trust in the audience to use their own minds to fill in gaps is like a gift of part ownership in the film. "Million Dollar Baby" is a beautiful gift, and a masterpiece if film-making.



Eastwood plays Frankie Dunn, an elder boxing coach, manager, and expert 'cut man' who runs a gym and is learning Gaelic on the side. He's a nice enough guy, but he can't seem to shake the guilt from ghosts in his past (some we're in on, some not quite). His guilt/shame is a constant just beneath the surface and gives him something of a cold exterior, sometimes frozen. Yet, as played by Eastwood, you know Dunn's aware of his own plight, but just doesn't know how to melt the ice. Or more importantly, if he's deserving of such a meltdown.




This film is truly an extraordinary work of art from Eastwood in his growing resumé of cinematic masterpieces. And wonderful performances by Freeman and Swank only add icing to the cake of a compelling story. Needless to say, kudos also go to this film's cinematographer for a very atmospheric visual treat.

這部影片確實是一個非凡的藝術作品,特別是對克林伊斯威特本人而言,我們可以從他的電影中看見他的成長。摩根費里曼和希拉蕊史旺精湛的演技也讓這部電影增色許多。特別值得一提的是攝影手法很不錯, 讓人覺得十分大器。


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