
巴布羅 ̇路易茲 ̇畢卡索 _三位樂師


Three Musicians is the title of two similar collage and oil paintings by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. They were both completed in 1921 in Fontainebleau near Paris, France, and exemplify the Synthetic Cubist style. One version is currently owned by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City; the other is found in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Each painting features a Harlequin, a Pierrot, and a monk, who are generally believed to represent Picasso, Guillaume Apollinaire, and Max Jacob, respectively. Apollinaire and Jacob, both poets, had been close friends of Picasso during the 1910s. However, Apollinaire died of the Spanish flu in 1918, while Jacob decided to enter a monastery in 1921

推薦原因:相當可愛的ㄧ幅畫,畫中人物既像熊、大象、老虎也像樂師,畢卡索大師在一個平面上同時呈現了多種的觀畫角度。 每位樂師的身體,就像剪紙般地相互交接重疊在一起,幾乎很難區隔出哪一部份是屬於哪個樂師

lovely paintings, characters look like not only the bear, elephant, tiger, but musicians.Master Picasso presents the concept of painting at variety of angles. Each musician's body, mutual transfer of paper-cutting overlapping, hardly separates out which part belongs to the musician.



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