
世博場館介紹之英國館 United Kingdom Pavilio




Pavilion Concept

The UK, with its millions of gardens, thousands of public parks and garden squares, has pioneered the integration of nature into cities as a way of making them healthier places in which to live and work. The UK Pavilion encourages you to look at the role of nature and wonder whether it could be used to solve the current social, economic and environmental challenges of our cities.


Britain’s central contribution to bettering city life has been the creation of garden squares, public parks (which Britain pioneered), individual gardens, window boxes and allotments. There is, in the British mind, a profound value in maintaining a direct connection with nature. Urban and suburban gardens are among the richest and most diverse habitats for wildlife in the UK.


The UK Pavilion draws on the UK tradition and love of parks and gardens and offers a journey that celebrates ‘green-ness’; reflects the profound importance of maintaining a connection to the natural world; brings biodiversity into the heart of its vision for the better city of the future; and finishes by suggesting ways in which the future evolution of cities can draw on a deeper understanding of the natural world. It imagines the future ‘natural city’ developed in harmony with nature and enriched by technological innovation, which could nurture a pleasurable and sustainable urban lifestyle. It builds on the UKs past and present in looking forward to the future.




Research shows us that the UK is generally regarded with affection by the Chinese people, but is often described as traditional and stuffy. Chinese people see the UK as a deeply traditional and tranquil place, and have a strong sense of a country that is shaped by its heritage, and has remained largely unchanged over the centuries.

Views about the UK and technology focus on its heritage as an industrial nation. On the whole, the Chinese do not associate the UK with new technologies. There is also little known about the UK being a creative or cutting edge country.


The UK effort at Expo will challenge these impressions. It will demonstrate to the Chinese people that the UK is a creative, innovative, advanced technological nation with a commitment to developing a long term partnership with China.


Designed to be Different


The UK Pavilion has been designed to be different. It has been designed as a dramatic demonstration of UK innovation and creativity. The walkways and the seed cathedral, together with the surrounding landscape park area, provide a story rich in content that incorporates the UKs past and present and demonstrates its leading role in architecture, biodiversity and science and technology. The landscape park area, which will be a venue for public performances, will demonstrate the UKs history of arts and culture and public parks and the openness of its society by hosting performances from classical to cutting-edge. Research shows that for each Pavilion the Chinese people are likely to look for what is special or unique to the place it represents and have an interest in clear, compelling narratives, combined with layers of symbolism. To this end the UK Pavilion, with the many layers of its story, will appeal yet, at the same time, challenge the traditional perceptions.


Our Theme


The overall theme for UK at Expo revolves around the essence of our brand: Changing the Chinese perception of the UK. It takes into consideration the entire message of the Pavilion:

UK Pavilion:


Building on the Past, Shaping our Future


This overall theme fits in with the overall Expo theme of a Better City, Better Life; it provides an overarching concept that brings together the many different stories and facets that make up the entire UK at Expo effort; and positions the UK as taking a leading role in future development.

























United Kingdom Pavilion
Pavilion Features-The first World Expo came about in the United Kingdom and was then known as the Great Exhibition, held in the Crystal Palace at Hyde Park. This majestic metal-and-glass edifice was not only home to the extravaganza display of products from all over the world, but was also the iconic symbol of the world fair, being considered one of the most beautiful structures in the world until a fire destroyed it half a century ago. Now, the United Kingdom has brought to Expo visitors a new version of the Crystal Palace – a dazzling cube formed by more than 60,000 slim and transparent acrylic rods containing seeds of different plants that were collected in a bio-diversity project.


展館概況:英國館的設計是一個沒有屋頂的開放式公園,展區核心“種子聖殿”外部生長有六萬余根向各個方向伸展的觸鬚。白天,觸鬚會像光纖那樣傳導光線來提供內部照明,營造出現代感和震撼力兼具的空間;夜間,觸鬚內置的光源可照亮整個建築,使其光彩奪目。展區中的“綠色城市”、 “開放城市”、 “種子聖殿”、 “活力城市”和“開放公園”等幾段參觀旅程引導人們關注自然所扮演的角色,並思索如何利用自然來迎接城市面臨的挑戰。


As soon as I saw the seed cathedral I am attracted by it. It is so amazing. I so admire the designer. They want to communicate to everyone the important of nature. I very like the ideas.

當我一看到這個種子聖殿我就被它吸引,真的很驚艷,很佩服這個設計者, 他要跟大家傳達大自然的重要性,我非常喜歡這個想法。




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