Wii Sports

01.jpg Wii Sports (Wii スポーツ) is a sports video game developed and produced by Nintendo as a launch title for the Wii video game console. It was first released in North America along with the Wii on November 19, 2006, and was released in Japan, Australia, and Europe the following month. The game is included as a pack-in game with the Wii console in all territories except Japan, making it the first game included with the launch of a Nintendo system since Mario's Tennis for the Virtual Boy in 1995. Wii Sports is part of the Touch! Generations brand.

Wii運動是一款由任天堂製作及發行的電子運動遊戲。首次發行是在北美,於20061119日。並且在隨後的一個月發行於日本,澳大利亞和歐洲。除日本和韓國外,《Wii Sports》在各地區均與Wii遊戲機同捆銷售,使得該遊戲成為自1995Virtual Boy平台的《瑪俐歐網球》以來任天堂遊戲機的首發遊戲Touch! Generations系列中的一作


The game is a collection of five sports simulations, designed to demonstrate the motion-sensing capabilities of the Wii Remote to new players. The five sports included are tennis,baseballbowlinggolf, and boxing. Players use the Wii Remote to mimic actions performed in real life sports, such as swinging a tennis racket. The rules for each game are simplified to make them more accessible to new players. The game also features training and fitness modes that monitor players' progress in the sports.

遊戲包含了五種運動模擬遊戲,主要是為了向新玩家展示Wii遊樂器的動作感應功能,運動項目包含網球棒球保齡球高爾夫球拳擊。玩家能使用Wii手柄做出與真實生活中的運動類似之動作,例如揮動網球拍、丟擲保齡球等。每種運動遊戲的規則都經過簡化,讓剛接觸的玩者容易上手。 遊戲還擁有練習模式和監測玩家運動進展的體力測定模式。  


Overall, Wii Sports has been well received by critics and received awards from the gaming press and entertainment community. It is the best-selling video game of all time, having outsold the previous best-seller, Super Mario Bros., in 2009. By the end of 2009, 60.67 million copies of the game had been sold worldwide. Wii Sports has been featured on television in Wii commercials, news reports, and other programming. The game has become a popular means for social gatherings and competitions among players of varying ages. 

Wii Sports獲得了一致的較高評價,並贏得了遊戲和娛樂業的多個獎項。截至2009年底,遊戲以6067萬套的全球銷量超越超級瑪俐歐兄弟,成為史上最為暢銷的電子遊戲。現在,《Wii Sports》已成為電視商業廣告、新聞報導和其他節目中Wii的象徵性代表,更成為各年齡層玩家聚會和競賽的流行方式。



At first, I think wii sports is so simple that I have no interest in it. As playing wii sports with my family, my thoughts has been changed. I have to say, this.. wii sports, is a very good game can shorten the distance between people.


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