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A boy named Evan Taylor (Freddie Highmore) grows up an outcast in a home for boys, all the while believing that his parents are alive. He can hear music in everything: the light, the wind, the air. He believes that he can hear the music from his parents. He thinks that they always wanted him and would come and get him someday.

Through a series of flashbacks, his parents are revealed to be named Lyla Novacek, (Keri Russell), a famous concert cellist, and Louis Connelly (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), an Irish guitarist and lead singer of a rock band. His parents met at the same party and spent the romantic night together. Due to Lyla's strict father, Lyla was unable to meet Louis where she'd agreed to and they parted, apparently never to see each other again.

From that one night together Lyla became pregnant with their child. Her father did not approve of this, he wanted Lyla to have a successful career without the obstacle of a child. After an argument with her father, Lyla ran out of a restaurant and was hit by a car. While in the hospital, she gave birth to a son. She wakes. Her father tells her that her son died. Little did she know, her father forged her signature on the adoption papers. Her baby was fine. Both Louis and Lyla gave up their musical careers after losing each other, and neither was aware of their son's existence.

Evan has a very strong faith that if he could learn to play the music he will have a chance to be found by his parents. He believes that they will hear him. So he runs away to New York City. He meets Arthur, a boy who was playing the guitar on a street corner for money. He follows Arthur and is taken in by Maxwell Wallace, a.k.a. "Wizard" (Robin Williams), who houses various orphans and runaways, employing them to play music on the streets and taking a large cut of their tips. Evan immediately proves to be a musical child prodigy. Wizard enlists him and gives him the name "August Rush", convincing him he will be sent back to the orphanage if his real name is ever discovered.

Lyla discovers that her son is alive when her father, knowing that he is dying, confesses what actually happened. Lyla immediately sets out to New York to look for her now 12-year-old son.
While there, she decides to resume her cello career. She is then chosen to play in the same concert, which features Evan's piece (under the name "August Rush").

The night of the concert, Evan finally chooses to run from Wizard in favor of performing at his concert. In the meantime, Louis races to the park when he sees Evan's pseudonym along with Lyla's name on a sign billing the concert. Evan conducts his piece, and at its conclusion, when he turns around to see Lyla and Louis standing hand in hand, he knows that he is reunited with his mother and father at last.




萊拉一個美麗有名的大提琴家,路易斯一個在俱樂部表演的吉他手。萊拉和路易斯因為喜愛音樂而相遇愛上對方儘管他們彼此相愛但他們有不同的生活,現實迫使他們必須分開分開時萊拉已經懷了路易斯的小孩,一個音樂天才埃文,但就在萊拉要生產時發生了車禍意外也因為這次的意外,改變了他們三人的命運,因為萊拉的父親一直不能接受她有小孩的事實,所以趁此時私自決定把這小孩送給孤兒院還騙萊拉說她的小孩死了。此後,因為萊拉和路易斯失去了對方,所以他們也放棄了自己熱愛的音樂事業。 11年後,埃文長大了他一直在等待他的父母去找他,他也相信他的父母一定還在等待他,所以他決定要前往紐約去尋找他們。在紐約,他的音樂天賦替他帶來成功,但是也給他帶來了一些麻煩。有人想用埃文賺錢,阻止他去尋找他的父母後來埃文成功逃進一所教堂那裡的人很驚訝他的天賦所以決定把他送到最好的茱莉亞音樂學院學習。在茱莉亞音樂學院,他接受正常的教育,他的天賦使他發光發熱埃文創造了自己的作奧古斯特狂想曲C大調,埃文希望他的父母可以因為聽到他的音樂,而找到他,在一次的姻緣際會下,學校給了他一個在中央公園數千人面前表演的機會,就在那天的音樂會上,萊拉和路易斯聽到了埃文的音樂,他們一家人終於相遇了,埃文終於回到了父母的懷抱。




I very like the film. The acting was excellent. There's not much dialogue in this movie. So the majority of the story is told through the emotional expressions of the actors and through the music. The story was very inspiring and the boy's unyielding faith and will to never give up on his dream to find his family. I am much moved by the story. And the music in the movie is very great.





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