《竊聽風暴》The Lives of Others




類  型:懸疑/驚悚劇情

片  長:2時17分

導  演:賀克唐納斯馬克(Florian Henckel-Donnersmarck)

演  員:歐路奇莫赫(Ulrich Mühe)、瑪蒂娜吉黛克(Martina Gedeck)、賽巴斯提昂柯賀(Sebastian Koch)




片 中監控高層衛斯勒,日夜不停地竊聽著兩位藝術家(一作家和一女演員)的生活作息,但卻在不知不覺中,隨著分享了他們的愛情、秘密和謊言…,逐漸融入了他們 多采多姿的生活,進而再去暗中協助他們,不僅支開共同監控的部屬,也隱藏的所有會阻礙他們進行計畫的部分,包含監控到的對話以及物件證據。
不 過就在電影《竊聽風暴》結束前,意外地流露出人性的曙光和溫暖,真切的引起了觀眾共鳴。看到女伶為了自保的捨棄至愛而洩密,她內心的掙扎,我們可以感受 到。又看到作家從堅信女伶到發現真相,這真情摯愛不渝到詫異的轉變,讓我們體會的到。秘密警察衛斯勒從只為"對"做事、發言的固執,到體現自己所真正該做 的對的事,這當中的迂迴曲折,《竊聽風暴》裡我們看的到!
一道圍牆,可以阻隔不同處的文化和經濟;一座心牆,卻可以矇蔽真相、掩飾真情,迫使自己做出不良善的事。人生路就這一回,如卡謬曾說:「凡走過,必留下足跡。」好人壞人、善事惡事,皆在一念之間,不時靜下省思自我,你將發現,風暴的確是可以避免的!(摘自影評 / 歐葛)

At once a political thriller and human drama, THE LIVES OF OTHERS begins in East Berlin in 1984, five years before Glasnost and the fall of the Berlin Wall and ultimately takes us to 1991, in what is now the reunited Germany. THE LIVES OF OTHERS traces the gradual disillusionment of Captain Gerd Wiesler (Ulrich Muhe, best known for his lead roles in Michael Haneke’s FUNNY GAMES and as Dr. Mengele in Costa-Gavras’ AMEN), a highly skilled officer who works for the Stasi, East Germany’s all-powerful secret police. His mission is to spy on a celebrated writer and actress couple, Georg Dreyman (Sebastian Koch) and Christa-Maria Sieland (Martina Gedeck).


推薦原因(recommended reason):

《竊聽風暴》的主旨是要歌頌思想自由、創作自由,也就是精神自由。歐洲影帝Ulrich Mühe成功詮釋人性中的善惡兩面,他的身分是執法者,卻也暗中幫助藝術家夫婦。最後一幕情報員衛斯勒被迫與曾有一面之緣的妻子西蘭正面質問到結局,充滿緊張與面對現實的無奈。最後我要說:影帝Ulrich Mühe的逝世,是影界的一大損失阿!

"The Lives of Others" is to praise the freedom of thought, freedom of creation, that is ,the spirit of freedom. European actor Ulrich Mühe successful interpretation of good and evil sides of human nature, his identity is law enforcement.However,he secretly helped  the artist couple.At last, intelligence officer Wiesler  had forced to question the wife Zealand,who had met only once, to end.there are full of tension and the reality of helplessness. Finally, I have to say: actor Ulrich Mühe's death is a great loss to the film industry !


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